U N C H A I N E D - M E L O D Y.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

*ride and *rejudice

Only thing i can say tht u also suffer in more ways than one if u take drastic headache inducing retaliation steps. The answer to How/Why/What and other such questions u'll subsequently get reading this blog.

Last to last weekend i excruciated my friend Moumita by making her watch 2 movies one after the another. And the choice of the movies was all mine despite the fact that was the call was her's. The first movie i chose, Fahrenheit 9/11 despite the fact tht she hates politics, americanism, wars, election process and blah blah's. It was nothing but a 2 hr documentary movie and both of us had a feeling tht watching some news channel, sitting at home would have served the purpose better. And not to mention the fact that people in the front and back row had a terrible time with two of us together having some fun at their expense.
Would u please mind urself. Excuse me sir, u r disturbing us. Why not two of u take the last seat. Ma'm, we are here to watch a movie. etc etc.

Some how we managed to sit thru the 2 hours, and the others also who were surrounding us. And she was blaming me like anything tht i forced her to sit through such a movie. And i thought this was probably the last time she watched a movie with me but i was hell shocked when as'd me, infact told me tht we are watching another movie, the next show. My obvious first reaction...What!!! r u nuts...its 11:45 PM. And forget the time, how can u sit thru another 2 hours after F9/11." But she insisted and again similiar things started to happen. I was the one who decided the movie to watch. I voted for "Exorcist". I very well knew she gets scared very easily and watching a horror movie tht late in the night wud be never ever acceptable. And I was right. She just said a biiiiiig NO to my proposal and pressed for "*ride and *rejudice". We kept on forcing each other to watch a movie of our choice. Finally the dispute was about to be settled over the throw of a coin. Everything was now depending on fate. I tossed the coin only to find tht i was the loser. When i was about to buy the tickets for the silly movie, I was just shocked to hear the following words from her "Wait! Lets watch Exorcist." The sides were changed...i as'd "Sure???" and after a minute or so we had the tickets in our hands.

By this time my conscience was beginning to question me tht if i was doing the right thing? I very well knew she got frightened very badly evn if i said something like "look who's there behind u etc. etc." over the phone. And i promised her we'll walk out the moment it gets too much for her to handle. While watching the movie i could feel her getting scared to death. She was shivering and i had to close her eyes n ears when something shocking and violent was shown. And she was never willing to leave the movie in between despite my numerous attempts. God i was feeling so guilty with wot i had done. But I tried to do tht best I could do to make her feel comfortable. But the purpose was defeated. After the movie she told me to promise her we'll never ever watch such a movie again. And i nodded.

Came Next week. There was a smell of retaliation in the air. I could smell things go fishy. Mobile Rung. She was online. Ordered me to come for a movie. Once again i was left with no other option but to accord. I reached there. She was a bit late. I saw her marching towards me with a sheepish grin. This time the pleasure was all hers. She went to the ticket counter and got the tickets of "*ride and *rejudice" in a flash. I knew it was going to be a bumpy ride for me and also for her because i can tolerate a hindi movie with songs if its matter of life and death but its impossible for her to do same. She was actually moving forward towards the worse-st two hours of her life. And she realized it soon enough. The hunter became the hunted. It was a torture for both of us watching the movie but again we had a great time together. Ofcourse at the expense of others.
To be continued...