U N C H A I N E D - M E L O D Y.

Monday, April 04, 2005

xPansion elucidated...

If everything is contained within the universe then where/how is it xPanded? Is there some space outside universe also which facilitates the xPansion?

Listen to me first completely before interrupting...No one will fire rounds at you for listening peacefully.

Consider a hypothetical boundary of the universe. Light is travelling with a velocity = 'c' which is quite a high speed trust me (3e8 m/s). At any given moment of time, the best telescope on the planet can see distance till 'd' light years since light hasn't reached beyond that point. As the Light is travelling, the dark, unexplored portions of this universe are being concealed. So my hypothetical boundary is being xTended coz i can see more. So with each smallest unit of time elapsed, say 't', some more part of the universe is being unveiled. So we say the Universe has xPanded, wherein what's actually happenning is something else. In other words...The Universe is not xPanding you better understand that.

Contradictions: Rishabh how wud you xPlain the concept of doppler effect, the shift of galaxies from each other etc, because your crap is contradicting.

Well right now i may not have the proper reasoning for these but all i need is just a couple of more sleepless nights under the black sky. BTW i dont believe in your concepts about the drift of galaxies and associated blah's. [If a debate starts on this, i have a very sharp weapon to retaliate...my Anti-Kouting philosophy ;)]

This is the only explanation I can think of to live harmlessly with the fact that "Universe is expanding".


Blogger Shivranjini Krishnamurthy said...

What you see is not what it is always. It's just 'your' version...perception. A different one, just as mine will be and so many others'. It may still not mean we agree with you and you need not agree with us. Brains expand, if not universe. *wink*

11:29 AM, April 10, 2005

Blogger Rishabh said...

I guess its same for everyone. "What we see is not what it is always. Its just our version...perception." No offense meant but this statement is quite phoney. This is the crux of the matter. The same blog can be re-published with just a few words...'I do not agree with other's perception about the subject'. I continue to stick to my mental synthesis and do not want anyone to agree, disagree or even care (read give a damn) about it coz this is my version which came out of the tiny aperture in my unxpanded brain. May be people would have agreed if i had the looks of a cosmographer, re-searching in some great temple of education.

9:53 AM, April 11, 2005

Blogger Shivranjini Krishnamurthy said...

Too little too late, but what the heck, I still have an opinion and a debatable one at that. :-)

My counter-comment: Absolutely! you can say anything in your space and nobody should care to give a darn about it. But just as you say that, you may like to blink and make faces at others' comments and get your creative juices flowing to respond back...much as you did a decent job out of responding to my comment on your blog. :-)

Oh! and about the phoney business >> why, every word of that is 'phoney'...it aint mine...they are just borrowed temporarily to fit into an idea I profess.

:May be people would have agreed if i had the looks of a cosmographer:

Looks are deceptive. If it were only about looks...one could spot 'cosmographers' by their face and slice their brains to know what it contains. They wouldnt need blogs or even a written word to speak their mind.

5:24 PM, June 23, 2005


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